Kin Lun Precision Ltd.
Categories: Unknown
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- 04 2334 5155
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- www.kinlun.com.tw
- 地址
- No.100-9, Chengfeng Ln., Taiming Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City 414, Taiwan, Wuri Dist. 臺中市
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Kin Lun Precision Ltd., was founded in October 2011, specializing in manufacturing a wide variety of power transmission parts, Car parts, and Motorcycle parts. We are also specialized in OEM and ODM. If you need advice or have specific requirements that may require custom design or manufacture, please feel free to contact us. We are working continuously to bring innovative designs to meet your needs. 我司為專業的汽機車零件製造商,其產品包括凸輪軸、搖臂、搖臂軸及點火器等,產品種類已超過百種,並開發特殊之高角度凸輪軸與改裝車零件,除了提供高品質的產品以及最具競爭力的價格,我們更專精於客戶所提供的樣品與圖面藉以開發新產品。
- 描述
Kin Lun Precision Ltd., was founded in October 2011, specializing in manufacturing a wide variety of power transmission parts, Car parts, and Motorcycle parts. We are also specialized in OEM and ODM. If you need advice or have specific requirements that may require custom design or manufacture, please feel free to contact us. We are working continuously to bring innovative designs to meet your needs. 我司為專業的汽機車零件製造商,其產品包括凸輪軸、搖臂、搖臂軸及點火器等,產品種類已超過百種,並開發特殊之高角度凸輪軸與改裝車零件,除了提供高品質的產品以及最具競爭力的價格,我們更專精於客戶所提供的樣品與圖面藉以開發新產品。
Kin Lun Precision Ltd.'s Keywords
OEM | ODM | 重機 | Motorcycle | rocker arm | oil pump | cam shaft | lifter valve | car parts | ATV | Engine | auto part
Kin Lun Precision Ltd.
已驗證ID 1132069063262208
已驗證 15/10/2018 @ 09:37:44
更新 27/05/2020 @ 02:15:30
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